Prices and information about our services

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INFO - Glossary of construction terms

Scheduling a technical building inspection

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Why choose our services?

Te ajutăm să elimini din riscuri și să iei o decizie obiectivă la alegerea locuinței. Rapoarte complete și ușor de înțeles în 3 zile de la inspecție sau conform înțelegerii. Dacă ne spuneți concret ce dorți să se întâmple, cu siguranță găsim cel puțin o soluție.

Suntem ingineri construcții civile cu experiență în proiectare, execuție structuri în domeniul rezidențial și dorim să ajutăm ca deciziile dvs. sa fie luate obiectiv și în cunoștință de cauză.

Home Planning® este marcă înregistrată la Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenții și Mărci, nr. certificat 199810 din 2023

Personal atestat de Inspectoratul de Stat în Construcții, Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență, Ministerul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice și Administrației, Ministerul Justiției

Home Planning este membru al Asociației Profesionale pentru Monitorizarea Geotehnică și Structurală (APMGS), website:

InterNACHI Certification for Home Inspector Professional - InterNACHI® is the world’s leading association for home inspectors, website:

Member of Engineers Australia, The Civil College, website:

Home Planning este membru fondator al Asociației Inspectorilor Tehnici de Imobile din Romia, website:

Certificare ISO/ IEC 27001:2013 Management al Securității Informației - Consultanță tehnică

Certificare SO 9001:2015 Managementul calității Inspecție tehnică imobiliară

What documents are required for the technical inspection?

Any technical document can help or raise a question mark. It is good to have as many documents as possible to understand what was designed and what was actually done on the ground and to verify the information gathered from the inspection.

What is a building inspection?

Reprezintă un raport tehnic de informare al cumpăratorului (verbal și redactat) asupra defectelor și neconformităților unui imobil înainte de achiziție.
Provine din termenul de home inspection services, o practică obișnuită în alte țări.

What is the technical construction book?

The technical construction book is a set of documents relating to the design, construction, acceptance and use of the building in question. It is useful to owners or owners' associations to ensure that the building is in good working order once it has been taken over from the developers.

Is it compulsory for a building to have a building technical card?

Yes, just like every car must have a technical book. The technical construction book is a set of documents containing important information about the design, construction, acceptance and use of a building. If there is no verification it will be based on the technical regulations on the design and execution of civil constructions.

How long does a technical inspection take?

The inspection takes about an hour for properties under 250sqm and you will receive the written technical report in maximum 3 working days or as agreed.

Model technical report home inspection

Do I have to be present at the inspection?

No, the inspection can be done together with the real estate agent or seller, then you as the beneficiary receive the technical report. The inspector will not provide details of the inspection with anyone other than you.

When do I have to pay?

According to the contract, after the inspection and the delivery of the report, a tax invoice will be issued, then you pay by bank transfer, bank card or mobilpay.

What does I.S.C. certification mean?

Civil construction engineers authorised by examination by the State Building Inspectorate (site manager or technical responsible for the execution of the R.T.E.)

How is the technical inspection carried out?

1. Choose the date and time when you are available by making an appointment on the website;
2. Send the contract to be digitally signed by SMS;
3. An engineer will come to the agreed date and location to carry out the checks;
4. An overall visual check of construction elements and photographs will be taken;
5. The technical documentation provided will be analyzed or will be requested at a later stage, as appropriate;
6. Technical equipment will be used to identify structural reinforcements in critical areas, identify thermal bridges, dew point for mold, thermal losses, areas with infiltration, grounding plug tester, verification of heating circuits with thermal chamber, quality and tightness of carpentry, façade infiltration and other specific checks, depending on the physical state of the building;
7. The result will be communicated in private verbal after the inspection and the report will be sent by e-mail;
8. Clarifications and tax invoice via email.

What is the difference between inspection and expertise?

Technical inspection is an activity concerning the monitoring of the in-service performance of buildings, interventions over time to assess the technical condition of buildings and maintain their fitness for use.

Technical expertise is a complex design activity carried out by technical experts authorized by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration.

Judicial / extra-judicial technical expertise is carried out by judicial technical experts certified by the Ministry of Justice.

What is an estimate?

Part of the technical design documentation that establishes the value of the construction and installation works related to the investment.
The general estimate is structured by expenditure chapters and sub-chapters. Within each expenditure chapter/sub-chapter, the estimated expenditure related to the realization of the investment object(s) within the investment objective is entered.
The estimate per object establishes the estimated value of the object within the investment objective and is obtained by summing the values of the categories of works composing the object.

Detailed services

/ 01
Technical building inspection

Technical evaluation of real estate at purchase. We offer the drafting of a technical verification and technical inspection report on the defects identified, how to remedy them and an approximate cost estimate signed and stamped by certified personnel. It can be used in negotiation or as a finding of fact.

Simple programming directly from the website. Choose date, time, receive confirmation by e-mail and we come to the specified location.

We inform you verbally and by e-mail about possible construction risks and non-conformities before the purchase/renovation of a building and how to remedy them.

The technical checks will be done with specific equipment (the name of the equipment can be found in the FAQ section), direct visualisation according to the technical standards and based on the technical documents, if any;

The professional equipment used helps us in making decisions and differs according to the type of building;

Checking the implementation of the project/technical documentation (technical project, execution details, technical book of the construction) and correlating it with what is found on site;
Structural verification of distribution of spacers in pillars and beams, appearance and quality of vibrated concrete using sacaner and sclerometer;

Thermal insulation identification of building envelope/thermo-insulation defects, identification of thermal bridges, dew point (condensation areas favouring mould growth), quality of carpentry assembly, thermo-insulation of attic or bridge, identification of thematic losses;

Identification of defects (hidden defects) excessive humidity in floor, basement infiltrations, rainwater infiltrations on terraces/roofs/façades;
General check of installations (electrical, heating, plumbing, water supply, air conditioning).

/ 02
Site supervision

Frequent working visits and detailed reporting on the quality of the work carried out and the physical status of the project.

The number of monthly visits is agreed according to the speed of execution and status of the project.

Monitoring and technical supervision of the construction site, construction in progress on behalf of the beneficiary (buyer).

The service is aimed at people who are building a house with a construction company / in "own management" or those who have purchased the house in the project phase, which will be executed by a real estate developer.

If you do not have the time and technical knowledge to monitor the quality of construction work on your future house, this service is suitable.

/ 03
Technical consultancy for civil construction

Technical consultancy in civil construction on various issues related to the construction and acceptance of buildings.

Technical report/opinion on various technical issues in construction, signed and stamped by an authorised person and firm.

It is a one-off fault finding service in relation to a builder, developer or insurer.

General technical construction advice on various problems.

One-off finding and recommendation of technical solution to remedy the problem.

/ 04
Site manager

Site management services for civil engineering.

We address both legal entities and public institutions as supervisors to check the quality of the work and individuals who want to build responsibly.

/ 05
Responsabil tehnic RTE

We check the quality of the work and draw up Chapter B of the Technical Construction Book.

As representatives of the beneficiary, we assist in the verification/certification of the works carried out and the drafting of the necessary technical documents related to the Technical Construction Charter.

/ 06
Project Management in Civil Construction

Integrated service for real estate developers or private investors.

We provide the technical checks and documents required by law for the buildings constructed. The service includes site management, RTE, QC and acceptance on completion.

/ 07
Technical Audit
Residential Buildings

Technical audit in construction:
- taking over & analysis of the conformity of the technical book of the construction,
- identification & finding of non-conformities with the building permit and the technical project,
- technical inspection identifying defects with professional equipment and specialized/certified personnel,
- identification of non-conformities of the technical project execution and implementation in the field,
- organisation of final reception of the residential complex - steps to remedy defects identified during the guarantee period offered by the developer,
- current follow-up report over time, with technical solutions to resolve problems and the phasing of the necessary repair works to the managed building.

Technical advice on the materialisation of the technical project and the authorised plans in the field. Verification of completion of all works and commissioning of all equipment foreseen in the project by the developer.
Completion of the Technical Construction Book and completion of the Event Log as part of the current construction tracking process.


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Bucharest, Romania

6-8, Fabrica de Glucoză Road, Bucharest 020332